Enrollment Process

Boundless offers a unique educational experience which is perfect for parents who have made the decision to utilize an online platform for their child’s core classes and are seeking a more authentic, engaging education for their child.  

If you believe that education is more than test scores, and are seeking an educational experience for your child that nurtures a child’s innate ability to create, problem solve, and innovate, then follow the easy step-by-step process to enroll.

Enroll in the Floria Virtual School program of your choice

The first and most important step in this journey is to make sure your child or children are enrolled in one of the following online homeschool platforms if they are not already enrolled. This is where they will receive their core curriculum and credits.

Schedule a call and/or tour

If you are ready to explore alternative avenues for your child’s growth and learning, you can schedule a call or tour to come see all the possibilities that Boundless has to offer.  During the tour we will have an informal interview to discuss the hopes that you have for your child’s education and determine if Boundless is a good fit for your child and your family.

Fill out an application

After your tour, if you feel that our school might be the right fit for your child, the next step is to fill out our online application. This form is designed to capture important information about your child and your family, and it helps us understand your child’s educational needs and interests.